Sealmaster Magneta Replacement Parts


West Coast Plastics stocks replacement parts for the Packaging Aids Corp. Audion Sealmaster Magneta line of sealers.

Most parts in stock, FOB: Carson, CA.

All Variations

Part No.Diagram No.DescriptionPriceQuantityAdd to Cart
8A00030NAAudiocone Silicone Grease 3-pack$43.10
8A17020038202Codeseal Wire - 1/8" x 10 ft roll $30.22
2A17025055900Control Knob $15.06
5A17581009700Footpedal Assembly $130.00
2A052003052003Fuse - Power Line - 8 Amp $3.50
2T55297052022Fuse - Sealbar - 16 Amp $14.40
2A17004054326Housing Socket U/L - old style, no fuse drawer $18.95
2A17005054327Housing Socket U/L - new style with fuse drawer $41.54
5A23102042811-90Knife Assembly - retracting $52.56
8A23102049003Knife Blade - retracting - 3 pack $13.14
2A48505054413Microswitch $41.54
2E24585054411On-Off Switch - Lighted $40.32
2A17065054003Power Cord U/L $26.88
5A23124430301Sealbar Complete for 300-MG - bar with seal wire, teflon cover, insulator and terminal plugs. $44.68
5A48523Sealbar Complete for 321-MG - bar with seal wire, teflon cover, insulator and terminal plugs. $44.68
5A48124032801Sealbar Complete for 421-MG - bar with seal wire, teflon cover, insulator and terminal plugs. $49.02
5A49124032901Sealbar Complete for 621-MG - bar with seal wire, teflon cover, insulator and terminal plugs. $55.59
8A1701503##06Sealbar Teflon Cover - 1-5/8" x 10 ft roll $65.70
8A17015L03##06Sealbar Teflon Cover - 1-5/8" x 108 ft roll $183.00
8A1701703##07Sealbar Teflon Insulator - 1/2" x 10 ft roll $39.42
8A48516019802Sealing Rubber MG - 10 ft roll $89.35
8A17018038201Sealing Wire (2mm Nichrome) - 25 ft roll (for 300,421 & 621) $14.46
8E60001460312-2Sealing Wire for 820-MG - 3mm (3 pack of indivdual seal elements) $106.22
8E60001ANASealing Wire for 821-MG - 5mm (3 pack of indivdual seal elements) $111.44
2E58001580312Sealing Wire for 1020-MG (individual seal element) $44.49
8A48101NASpare Parts Kit for Sealmaster Magneta - includes one each of 8A23102 Knife Blade pack, 8A17020 Codeseal Wire, 8A17017 Sealbar Insulator, 8A17015 Sealbar Teflon Cover, 8A48516 Sealing Rubber, Silicone Grease. (Not for 820-MG or 1020-MG) $266.35
8A17008038301Terminal Plug Kit - 2 pack $27.34
2A17505054321Terminal Socket $10.67
2A50440056000-15Timer Board (screw terminal connectors) $196.13
2A056013056013Timer Board (combination) $293.04
2A056021056021Timer Board (combination) $368.85
2A23101056300-15Timer Control (potentiometer) $39.65

8A17020 | 2A17025 | 5A17581 | 2A052003 | 2T55297 | 2A17004 | 2A17005 | 5A23102 | 8A23102 | 2A48505 | 2E24585 | 2A17065 | 5A23124 | 5A48523 | 5A48124 | 5A49124 | 8A17015 | 8A17015L | 8A17017 | 8A48516 | 8A17018 | 8E60001 | 8E60001A | 2E58001 | 8A48101 | 8A17008 | 2A17505 | 2A50440 | 2A056013 | 2A056021 | 2A23101 | 8A00030

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Part No.

8A17020, 2A17025, 5A17581, 2A052003, 2T55297, 2A17004, 2A17005, 5A23102, 8A23102, 2A48505, 2E24585, 2A17065, 5A23124, 5A48523, 5A48124, 5A49124, 8A17015, 8A17015L, 8A17017, 8A48516, 8A17018, 8E60001, 8E60001A, 2E58001, 8A48101, 8A17008, 2A17505, 2A50440, 2A056013, 2A056021, 2A23101, 8A00030

Diagram No.

038202, 055900, 009700, 052003, 052022, 054326, 054327, 042811-90, 049003, 054413, 054411, 054003, 430301, 032801, 032901, 03##06, 03##06, 03##07, 019802, 038201, 460312-2, NA, 580312, NA, 038301, 054321, 056000-15, 056013, 056021, 056300-15

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